Day 12 & 13 : Full of FUN
My boys, my sister and I went to Tokyo Disneyland. I had decided to fill these two day with just pure fun and make it a totally memorable experience for all of us. My sister worked for Disneyland for over 15 years and I used to work there part-time. Although there were many change in their system, two of us could make a great team in coordinating this little tour.
We made reservation for a lunch show at a restaurant, and we planned to make a reservation for dinner as soon as we got there. We had asked the kids which rides they wanted to go to, and based on the popularity, we had some idea on which ones we should try to get Fast Pass for and which ones we should just wait in line. I decided to let my boys eat whatever they wanted. It's all about choice.
The weather was not the nicest. It rained almost the whole day, and the park was yet full of people. My sister bought each of us a rain poncho but wearing it made us sweat inside, so we would have gotten wet either way.
We played so hard. My oldest had the goal to hit all three "mountains" (roller-coaster rides) and we sure did. My youngest was tall enough for all the rides so he was super excited. The younger two loved roller-coasters, much like their dad. We enjoyed all the other rides, the kids loved all the food they had there, from the waffles to the sherbet, to the popcorn, to the churro. Food was nothing By Design, though. The Kingdom of Dream and Magic is built on wheat and sugar. We stayed in the park from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm. Totally exhausted, we headed to the hotel. We had a quick bath, and we were out like a light.
Next morning we all slept in, had a brunch, and played in the hotel pool. Spent an hour or so there, played more at the arcade and the kids playground. We left the hotel around 4:00 pm, were able to avoid the rush hour on the train. Dinner today was KFC. Tomorrow we will be back on track.
Tomorrow I will probably go to Chikara CrossFit for training, and go see my dad.
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